In Transcend, a series presented in Havana during the XIII Havana Biennale, provides us with a rupture in subject. Women are no longer present in the composition but the weave becomes the protagonist itself by playing with shapes and lines and creating a geometric abstraction that can be interpreted in various ways.


The use of white, the main color in all pieces, refers to the absolute and unity. While black, a color associated with negativity also symbolizes power, maturity and in some civilizations fertility and life.

The duality of these colors embody our lives and how we must go through various experiences in order to grow as a person and Transcend to a higher mental and spiritual level. We must learn to hear in order to listen...


Different elements such as the circle, square, and triangles, emerge from the designs with there own symbolism. Together in perfect harmony they create the triad, earth, heaven and humanity.


Definitely a series that separates itself from the rest and opens the path for the next one to come, Angels & Demons.

My ReflectionWoven canvas and string. 24in x 39in. 2019

Destiny because our encounter is written. Woven canvas and string. 24in x 39in. 2019

The Trinity of Being. Rim and cord. Triptych 16in in diameter. 2019

Unity in Diversity. Woven Canvas. Triptych 45in. x 45 in.2019

A glimpse to the interior. Mixed media. 22in in diameter. 2019

Liberate and Ascend. Woven canvas and string. 20in. x 20in. 2019

Covergence. Woven canvas and string. 18in. x 18in. 2019

Breaking free. Woven Canvas and string. 18in. x 18in. 2019

The fruit of our union. Mixed media. 16.5in diameter x 39in. 2019

Transcend. Woven canvas and string. Polyptych. 43in. x 43in. 2019